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CDU Data Center

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CDU Data Center

Contattateci oggi stesso per la soluzione di controllo della temperatura perfetta


Data center liquid cooling solution – full-link layout liquid-cooled server supporting infrastructure, with liquid-cooled CDU (coolant distribution unit) providing coolant for the cold plate in the server rack, maximizing the use of liquid cooling plate heat exchange for the server The main internal heat source is used for cooling, reducing the use of air cooling systems, helping servers achieve greater power dissipation requirements and greater computing density in a single cabinet, further reducing PUE and assisting the high-quality development of data centers.

1. Application of CDU data center

Data relies on its strong R&D, construction, and operation and maintenance capabilities in the field of data centers to launch a new air-liquid architecture cold plate liquid-cooled CDU with a heat dissipation of up to 15kw. Relying on modular, lightweight and intelligent design, the construction of edge computer rooms and the renovation of old computer rooms can be quickly completed.


CDU Data Center


2. Introduction to CDU data center

È adatto per i test dei semiconduttori, per i test a temperatura costante delle apparecchiature elettroniche, per le infrastrutture di supporto dei server di raffreddamento e per altri luoghi di controllo della temperatura dei fluidi. Si tratta di un dispositivo modulare intelligente con sistema di scambio termico indipendente, sistema di alimentazione e sistema di monitoraggio.

3. Working principle of CDU data center

The cooling water flows into the CDU distribution unit, exchanges heat with the heat transfer medium, takes away the heat of the heat transfer medium, and reaches the intended temperature. It can automatically adjust frequency according to system pressure, temperature and flow rate.

The CDU distribution unit uses liquid cooling heat exchange to cool the main heat source and reduce the use of air cooling systems. The liquid cooling equipment provides cooling fluid circulation for the heating elements, saving air heat exchange links and saving a large amount of energy consumption in the refrigeration system.

The circulation system of the CDU distribution unit adopts a fully sealed design, a magnetic drive pump, a PLC programmable controller, and a 7-inch color touch screen temperature curve display, which can be customized according to user needs.



Forniamo progettazione e produzione di sistemi di controllo della temperatura completi. Da modelli standard a prodotti completi e personalizzati fino a 900 tonnellate. Siamo specializzati nell'assistenza ai clienti e ci dedichiamo ad aiutare ogni cliente ad avere il sistema di controllo della temperatura ottimale per le sue esigenze specifiche.

Forniamo soluzioni personalizzate non standard. Sono disponibili sia chiller a raffreddamento singolo che unità combinate di raffreddamento e riscaldamento.


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