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Expansion Valve Installation of Screw Chiller Systems

分類業界ニュース 326

Expansion Valve Installation of Screw Chiller Systems


An important indicator module in the installation and maintenance of the screw chiller is the installation of the expansion valve of the screw chiller. Next, I will introduce the relevant aspects.

First of all, the installation position of the expansion valve of the screw chiller should be as close to the evaporator as possible, so that the low-temperature refrigerant after throttling will immediately enter the evaporator to absorb heat or cool, and the convenience of its adjustment and repair should also be considered. When the expansion valve supplies liquid to the coil, a distributor should be installed behind the valve to ensure the uniformity of liquid supply to each evaporation coil. If the resistance of the distributor is large, an external balance thermal expansion valve should be installed. A filter or filter dryer should be installed on the expansion valve to remove the garbage or moisture in the system to prevent the expansion valve from being blocked and affecting the normal circulation of the refrigerant.

Secondly, the installation of the temperature sensor package. The temperature felt by the temperature sensor will directly affect the opening of the expansion valve. The temperature sensor should be installed on the suction pipe at the outlet of the hair dryer. If the suction pipe is equipped with a liquid-gas regenerator or heat exchanger. Then the temperature sensor package should be installed on the suction pipe flowing out of the regenerator. The contact part of the temperature sensing package and the suction pipe should be straight and clean, and the two have good heat transfer. The temperature sensing package and the suction pipe should be fastened with straps, and a non-moisture-absorbing thermal insulation material should be added for heat insulation. The temperature sensing package should be installed on the suction pipe that is not easy to accumulate liquid. When the diameter of the suction pipe is less than 21mm, the temperature sensing package should be placed on the upper part of the suction pipe. When the diameter is larger than the above diameter, the temperature sensing package should be installed on the horizontal axis of the suction pipe. The lower part is about 45.1°.

Finally, the installation of the outer balance pipe. The outer balance pipe should be installed at the outlet of the evaporator, and should be behind the temperature sensing bulb. The two positions cannot be interchanged, because a very small amount of refrigerant liquid inside the expansion valve may leak into the outer balance pipe and reach the suction pipe. , If the temperature sensor package is behind the interface, the temperature received by the temperature sensor package is low, and the opening of the expansion valve is insufficient, which affects the normal operation of the refrigeration device.

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