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Precautions for the Operation of the Battery Pack Test Temperature Control System

分類業界ニュース 305

Precautions for the Operation of the Battery Pack Test Temperature Control System


The battery pack test temperature control system is relatively complicated, and its normal operation has certain requirements and conditions. Let’s talk about the specific precautions for the battery pack test temperature control system before and during operation.

1. Whether the compressor and each component can operate normally without any damage is a necessary condition for the battery pack test temperature control system to be in operation.

2. Secondly, whether the protection devices of the compressor are normal, the compressor has various protection devices, such as suction and exhaust pressure protection, temperature protection, overload protection, etc., to ensure that the protection devices of the compressor are operating normally, and then ensure that the battery The package test temperature control system is running normally.

3. Before running, check whether the drier filter can play a role. The function of the drier filter is to dry and filter the refrigerant.

4. The condenser, evaporator and other components work normally. This is more important, because the compressor cannot operate alone, but depends on the cooperation of the condenser, evaporator and other components.

5. Observe that there is no abnormal noise and vibration in the temperature control system of the battery pack test. Whether the pressure and temperature during operation are normal. Whether the operating pressure and operating temperature are normal can determine whether the battery pack test temperature control system as a whole can operate normally.

6. When the temperature control system of the battery pack test is running, it needs to have sufficient refrigerant so that the refrigeration lubricating oil system and the gas-liquid separator can operate normally.

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