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Rack Mounted Chiller

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Rack Mounted Chiller

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With the use and popularization of lasers, CNC milling machines, 3D printers and other equipment, chillers are becoming more and more important. Chillers are used in a wide range of applications, including the additive manufacturing industry, laser cooling, tool and mold cutting, food and beverage packaging marking, industrial machinery, semiconductors, scientific instrument equipment cooling, medical equipment system cooling, and more.

In practical applications, many customers prefer rack-mounted chillers. Why is this?

Rack-Mounted Chillers As opposed to traditional chillers, rack-mounted chillers are designed to save space. Rack-mounted chillers can be installed in standard racks, such as 19-inch racks. Many applications require industrial chillers to circulate cooling liquid or water in the machine, so this chiller is based on a rack design, which not only meets the needs of customers and is easy to integrate with equipment, but also frees up more space and has sufficient cooling capacity. It not only provides efficiency but also reduces costs for enterprises, which is the result that many customers want.

What are the characteristics of rack mounted chiller?

1) Small size and compact structure. Suitable for cooling small and medium power equipment.

2) The cooling capacity range is wide and the design can be customized.

3) Temperature control accuracy is as high as ±0.1℃

At the same time, the chiller is also equipped with compressor overcurrent protection, alarm output, high-definition LCD display, intelligent frequency conversion, liquid level and flow rate alarms, and many other functions.



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ключевые слова:Бутылочная радость охладитель воды